(Via Gawker.)
Kudos to MTV employees for joining with the writer's strike and finally putting their foot down on the system of indentured servitude prevalent in Corporate America. Sure, you might argue that these 20-something hipsters should be paying MTV for the privilege of working there—they already have to get their parents to co-sign their overpriced New York City leases, why shouldn't they stay on Mommy and Daddy's medical insurance and get an allowance, too? Uncle Sam says differently, though. If you remember Vizcaino vs. Microsoft, you'll realize that bad publicity isn't the only reason why Viacom is rushing to terms.
The irony is that social conservatives decry the loss of "family values" while shooting down job security, living wages, and medical care. But then, politics aren't about having a consistent platform, are they?
Tristan says, "Crap, the Revolution's finally here and I'm in Europe!"
December 11, 2007 10:00 AM