conscious African American in this country is feeling galled by
the hideous photos depicting the torture of Iraqi detainees, but
for more reasons than Americans might think. It isn't only photos
but the mendacity of government officials seeking to distance themselves
from those ugly images, that is galling us.
Bush, Defense Secretary Rumsfeld, Joint Chiefs Chair General Richard
B. Myers, General Ricardo Sanchez who last November authorized military
intelligence to go into Iraqi prisons, and a host of congressional
members are all mouthing the same platitudes: "this isn't the
America I know," "This isn't what Americans are are like,"
"These individuals (soldiers shown abusing detainees) are an
aberration," and words to that effect.
this IS the America African Americans know. Most bizarre of all
the sound bites seeking to rationalize or minimize the atrocity
unfolding before America as a mirror to show us who and what we
really are, are Rumsfeld's sly verbal gymnastics in seeming to take
responsibility, not really for the brutal policy of torture itself,
but for the public ugliness of "those unthinkable pictures"
which make him "feel terrible." As if the public relations
disaster the White House has suffered were more grievous than the
perverse acts no public relations ploy could ever smooth over.
We wonder
in the wake of Rumsfeld's duplicitous statements, what is the real
offense to him? That U.S. military intelligence, the CIA, mercenaries,
and private, corporate operatives hired by the Pentagon seem to
have deliberately planned and implemented a policy of psychological,
physical, and sexual humiliation and torture against detainees in
order to "break" them? Or is it that there are photos
for all the world to see of that policy being dutifully carried
The same
or similar policies have been planned, implemented, and carried
out many times in U.S. history: in the Philippines where thousands
of Filipino civilians under U.S. occupation were butchered by American
troops; in Viet Nam where thousands of Vietnamese civilians were
shot, raped, tortured, and burned alive by napalm under the direction
of General Westmoreland; at Attica where dozens of men were murdered,
beaten, stripped naked and humiliated by the New York National Guard;
at Wounded Knee where Native Americans were shot down like dogs
by the FBI; against Fred Hampton who was assassinated in his sleep
by the FBI during a COINTELPRO operation; in Waco Texas where men
women and children were burned alive by the ATF after having been
subjected to psychological torture for several days; on the so-called
"Highway of Death" in Kuwait where, following a cease-fire,
helpless Iraqi soldiers and civilians were cut down by American
helicopter and jet pilots using them for bombing and target practice;
against American protester, Rachel Corrie, gruesomely murdered by
an American-made bulldozer driven by an Israeli soldier, the photographs
of which were never seen in the mass media but only on the internet;
and most likely also at this very moment against the nameless, faceless
Arab detainees at Guantanamo Bay.
The 370th
and 372nd Military Police Company, and private defense contractors
such as CACI International were allegedly given carte blanche to
weaken and to break detainees using humiliation and abuse. Military
officers allegedly ordered American soldiers to "soften up"
detainees, encouraging them to outdo one another in imagining ways
to heighten Arab humiliation.
Americans recognize the sick smiles and sadistic leers on the faces
of the tormentorsthese are the same faces we have seen kicking,
beating, urinating on, and lynching us continuously from the era
of post reconstruction through present day. Yet, we instinctively
know also that it is the height of mendacity to ignore Pentagon
contracted corporations like CACI International and their government
clients while demonizing young men and women encouraged and/or ordered
to engage in torture. Those young, seemingly all or nearly all,
Anglo soldiers were acting tactically. We can see, and already know
from the lessons of history anyway, that CIA and corporate forces
are ultimately behind these acts as those who originated them as
strategic policy.
We know
that women, as always, make easy scapegoats. Pfc. Lynndie
England, pictured standing over a naked detainee at the end of a
leash, and Army Reserve Brig. Gen. Janis Karpinski, who was punitively
relieved of command of the detention centers in Iraq, were not alone
in the abuse, and neither woman originated the policies that they
were likely ordered to carry out against detainees. Detainees, by
the way, are what the Iraqi victims are, not prisoners awaiting
trial by jury, convicted felons, 'evildoers' (whatever the hell
that is), monsters or demons, but detained suspects, Iraqi citizens
guilty of civil infractions, and in some cases, accused pickpockets.
The American State Department and the Pentagon freely admit that
perhaps as many as 90% of those detained were never accused of,
or conclusively proven to be, "terrorists" or "insurgents."
The mass
media are implicated. Newsreaders and journalists alike are now
using language to make banal and trivial the decidedly Texan, oil
barony of corporate evil now directing our foreign policy. Talking
heads from Russert to Cokie Roberts to Rather are shying away from
the words "torture" and "rape" to describe the
torture we have already seen and the reported child abuse and rape
that as of this writing, the Pentagon has seen in photos and videos
of but has yet to release. The news media instead has been juggling
more opaque terms like "abuse," and "maltreatment."
They describe the administration as engaging in "damage control,"
and describe not the reality of torture but the "perception"
created by pictures of torture.
much of the most trenchant and critical analysis of these events,
certainly the most historically contextualized critique, is happening
not within our co-opted media but among ourselves, in personal correspondence,
in public and private conversations, and on the Internet. That is
the legacy, in many ways, of the anti-globalist movement, which
uses e-mail, the Internet, and cell phone technology to create a
non-official, non hegemonic public discourse, and to force to force
that discourse to a critical mass.
In just
such a correspondence I have had with feminist, Italian-American
professor, Perri Giovannucci, who is a scholar of Mideastern geopolitics,
I have found at least one American woman cultural critic who is
less generous than I toward the women implicated in these crimes,
but her analysis, in a correspondence she sent me recently, amounts
to the same recognition of the unseen corporate forces behind the
torturers, and it is an example of the kind of trenchant, fundamental
and historically contextualized critique that has been missing in
the media:
I was
thinking about Lynndie England yesterday. You know that she has
been spirited off to an army base somewhere and is being kept
from public scrutiny because she is. . . get this. . . pregnant?
Yes I know that she was a pawn. It reminded me of the Handmaid's
Tale. You know that part where they throw a man, an apprehended
government subversive, to the oppressed screaming bacchantes to
tear to pieces? I'm sure that they told Lyndie and the other women
who have taken part in these atrocities and humiliations "here's
your chance girlie to get even with the Muslim sexist pigs. .
. you know what they do to THEIR women. . . give 'im a good one
up the___. This is for the BURKA .. . etc. . ."
I know
this because sexist pigs always love to tell you how misogynist
those OTHER men are. Having said that, Lyndie and others like
her were WILLING pawns. I'm oppressed. But I wouldn't do that
to another human being for any reason. Every woman knows she could
be overpowered by any man at any time and beaten, raped, murdered,
and this, if for no other reason, is why the women should have
empathized with the detainees. What really disgusts me is that
these victims were totally defenseless. . . the victims I am speaking
of are the DETAINEES, of course, not the women pawns: what disgusts
me is not the detainees' defenselessness per se but the fact that
the women took advantage of the defenselessness to abuse them.
burka is not typical of Iraq of course, but of Afghanistan under
the TalibanI am referring to the burka in the context of
the anti-Arab propaganda most likely used by the CIA to egg on
the women pawns. . . The photos, to me, show the deliberateness
of Lyndie and the othersI mean that what they did was premeditated,
at least enough to stop and pose for the camera. It also suggests
to me that they were being set up. Ultimately they were the stupid
pawns of their CIA and mercenary bosses, yes.
P. Giovannucci, Dept of English, Barry University, Miami Shores,
Florida; from the author's correspondence)
African Americans can immediately identify with images of torture
of Arabs because of an ongoing legacy of psychological, verbal,
and physical violence, brutality, and torture constantly meted out
against us here in America. We, just like poor Whites, gays and
lesbians, and other Americans of color, are abused by this country's
police forces (e.g. Amadou Dialo and Elinore Bumphus), criminal
justice system (e.g. the Cook County jail system's well documented
brutalization of Black women), and medical industrial complex (e.g.
the Tuskegee Experiments).
the most galling thing then is the self-serving lie of omission
now being perpetrated by the Bush administration in general, Donald
Rumsfeld in particular, by major media analysts and by various state
department officials who have yet to name and condemn the policy
of CIA and corporate culpability in these war crimes.
the war's inception after all, there has been a deliberate policy
from the White house down to the level of the Abu Ghraib prison,
to weaken, even throw away the Geneva Conventions and to discard
any veneer of civilized conduct in the waging of mechanized war.
Shadowy, neo-fascist entities such as CACI International get leeway,
and paychecks issued on taxpayer accounts, to tear-ass across the
world robbing, killing, raping, and torturing human beings in the
name of America, and of "fighting terrorism."
I have
long feared that the entire history of brutalization of African
Americans was essentially practice for the real goal of America's
ruling elite: the eventual brutalization and enslavement of every
American, and eventually of the entire human race under a global
regime of plantation-style slave labor, illiteracy, surveillance,
and bodily degradationin short, the very state of involuntary
servitude under a peculiar institution that Black slaves endured
in the United States prior to emancipation. If indeed, that is the
direction the corporate owners are headed in-toward finally "owning
our souls," then all our sorrows have just begun. Frantz Fanon
warned about the eventuality of just such an evolution from brutalization
of colored people and Jews throughout the early 20th century to
this global brutalization with America at the rudder.
then, has far more to apologize for than the embarrassment of what
is only the latest ugly picture made by the brutality of American
foreign policy and of corporate fascism. African Americans know
this only too well.
Waller is a professor, editor, cultural critic, and staff writer
for The Michigan Citizen, a Detroit weekly newspaper. He can
be reached through editor@corporatemofo.com
May 16, 2004 12:32 AM
Hello Mr. Waller,
I just read your opinion story titled "African-Americans can Empathize with Tourtured Iraqis" and I have a question for you. I'm white, live near the beach, and enjoy what many would call a "cushy" lifestyle. I tell you this so that you understand my perspective.
I believe that the United States creates more opportunity for more people, and provides a better standard of living for more people, than any other organization the world has known. Do you agree? We more or less stole the Southwest US from Mexico, and I think it's worked out pretty well. All you have to do is cross the border from Tijuana into San Diego to see why I think that territory is doing better under our management.
The United States has its problems, but name the countries that put more wealth, freedom, and opportunity into the hands of a higher percentage of people. Your list will include a handful of places that feature much smaller, more homogenous societies. Then name the countries that put more wealth, freedom, and opportunity into the hands of more non-whites. That will also be a short list made up of smaller, more homogeneous societies.
I thought parts of your story were valid. I think Rumsfield is just as sorry that Abu Ghraib came to light as he is about anything that happened there. But how can you make this statement?
I have long feared that the entire history of brutalization of African Americans was essentially practice for the real goal of America's ruling elite: the eventual brutalization and enslavement of every American, and eventually of the entire human race under a global regime of plantation-style slave labor, illiteracy, surveillance, and bodily degradation--in short, the very state of involuntary servitude under a peculiar institution that Black slaves endured in the United States prior to emancipation.
Slave labor, illiteracy, surveillance, and bodily degradation are not the engines of wealth. The ruling elite here understand that for them to maximize their wealth the underclass must be incentivized and productive. There are benefits in that for the rest of us, no matter where our ideology lies. If 100% of the Iraqis followed Bush like sheep until he handed the country back to them they'd also realize those benefits for a greater number of their people than they had ever known.
If you have time to reply I'd be interested to see how you respond.
Stephen Johnson
by: Stephen Johnson
at October 4, 2008 6:04 AM
Mr. Johnson;
First of all, my article is an article—a critical analysis in fact, and not an "opinion story." This is an important point, inasmuch as your letter is a critique, not a fan letter, or a "rant" or anything other than exactly what it is. Being clear about words and contexts are important right now in American history. It is crucial to be clear with words. I hope that does not sound harsh. I don't mean for it to. Literacy is my profession because I am a teacher and a journalist. Two professions crucial to democracy that are right now under vicious attack by the thugs who run this country—the ruling class. Why? So that they can convince citizens like you that America is as you call it, "an organization" rather than what it truly should be: a democracy.
I'm certain, by the tone and diction of your critique you do not belong to that ruling class (don't let the skin color you think you see when you look into your mirror fool you). You, my brother, are oppressed, just as the majority of the American population is, if for no other reason, then because you apparently have been deprived of a true education, and have been filled with the most mendacious propaganda about the ruling class which you think has given you so much simply because you live on one of the rapidly diminishing beaches still left in the wake of the rape of the natural environment (I'd lay you odds, Mr. Johnson, that the tide washing up onto your beach contains so many low level toxins and pollutants that you might not think your life was all that "cushy" someday if you should contract cancer from them).
At any rate, your cliche argument that five hundred years of mass murder, genocide, slavery, wage slavery, exploitation, war, rape, chattel domination of women (even white women!) and brutality by the ruling class, their armies, their CIA, and their corporations are somehow a phantasm or not to be even addressed as that much due to the sophistry that "the rulers know that the 'engine' of wealth doesn't run well on the blood of the people" is just too sadly naive to comment on.
You say: "The ruling elite here understand that for them to maximize their wealth the underclass must be incentivized and productive. There are benefits in that for the rest of us, no matter where our ideology lies." All I can suggest to you is that you read Howard Zinn's "A Peoples' History of the United States." That's a good place to begin. Try also, anything by Dr. Helen Caldicott, founder of Physicians for Social Responsibility. Also, the books of Edward Said, Noam Chomsky, Naomi Wolf or Angela Davis.
I used to live in a beach environment—Miami. Beautiful weather, I made a decent living, had a beautiful Italian American girlfriend and lived in an exclusive community (Coral Gables) where I never had to see any serious poverty or serious Black people if I chose not to. Can't say that I liked Miami very much. It takes a lack of consciousness and lack of books and newspapers to feel okay about yourself there, even with a beautiful Italian American girlfriend—though she sure helped.
Which, of course, is just how it is there: no books, no consciousness, no newspaper.
I went to an Ivy League school (Cornell) which is how I can tell you for sure, that the ruling class is not stupid. Just brutal. They do not believe their own propaganda. They want you to believe it, Mr. Johnson. You even more than me. I know I'm oppressed, I'm Black. You, they can fool by telling you your Irish, Italian, Jewish, Polish, and Scottish ancestors getting kicked in the ass, indentured, exterminated, and forced into peonage for a hundred years doesn't matter because you are no longer ethnic but "white." Please understand that even if you are BLACK, this all still applies. Two words: Colin Powell.
In short, free your mind, Mr. Johnson. Your skin will follow.
Ray Waller
by: Ray Waller
at October 4, 2008 6:05 AM