Can it really be that a year has passed? Have I lived one full year
of my life since I watched thousands of people incinerated and pulverized?
Saw it on live television, courtesy of CNN, even though it was happening
so nearby I could see the smoke down the street. From candlelight
vigils around the globe to the "president" speaking from
Ground Zero, from emotional interviews with family members of those
that perished to strident protesters who claim that more children
die of starvation every day than were killed on 9/11, one is bombarded
with the query, "What does this anniversary mean to you?"
perspective is unique, of course, but most of us fit into a few
categories that readily emerge. For the families and friends of
the victims, it is a gut-wrenching milestone: a year without their
loved ones. For those who escapedit is difficult to imagine
the mix of survivor guilt, revisited trauma and relief that must
figure into their emotional state today. Time, I believe, flows
differently for the rescue and recovery crews. They remained at
the epicenter of the tragedy until May and are probably not even
yet waking from the daily nightmare of their toil.
As we
move further from the epicenter, the damage is less visible. The
rhythm of life wasn't as disrupted. But is there less damage or
is it hidden, structural? One perspective is that the world changed
on September 11, 2001, and it will never be the same. What this
belief refers to is a loss of innocence for Americans. We lost our
terrorist virginity and will never feel invulnerable at home again.
To stretch the metaphor, the foundation of our security has been
irreparably cracked. It is easy to scoff at this view. What about
Oklahoma City? Some citizens of countries, such as the UK and France,
that have experienced terrorist bombings, think it's about bloody
time that the U.S. got a taste of life without rubbish bins in public
transport terminals. Some Americans never felt this newly-mythologized
invulnerability, those in the "I-predicted-something-like-this-was-going-to-happen"
camp. A few of those who prophesied in print have spent a lucrative
year on the lecture circuit. But, justified or not, however naive,
myopic and/or simplistic it may be, a significant swath of Americans
fall into this category. You may not know any of them. I don't.
But they are out there and they are struggling to make sense of
a world that is more complex than they ever dreamed.
significant view holds that America got what it deserved. Our unilateral,
relentlessly realpolitick foreign policy reaped what it sowed. It
is from this perspective that some interesting theories about what
the terrorists were after emerge. To this crowd, their act of extreme
violence was essentially a cry for help. Political repression and
a lack of economic opportunity are blamed on U.S. foreign policy
and resentment is the inevitable result. Fuel that spark with the
U.S.'s flagrant support of Israel and you have a recipe for the
The administration's
spin on the motivation of the terrorists is envy: They resent our
freedoms. This message is pitched, of course, to deflect blame;
no mention is made of U.S. policies in the Middle East as a contributing
factor. "Don't bomb us; overthrow your own governments. We'll
help you create democracies and capitalist economies so we can build
Walmarts and McDonalds on your soil. We like new markets. Oh, but
don't all changewe need a token enemy to justify the defense
budget." This is where religion comes in. The terrorists don't
just resent our civil organization; they deplore our freedom of
worship. It is a lesson proved over and over historically that those
who believe there is only one right way to live have no compunction
about eliminating those who do not follow their path. The West is
a threat to the Islamic world not by virtue of its political and
economic policies (albeit those exacerbate it), but by its very
existence. This conception of the attack is as an act of holy war.
If the terrorists are ideologically, rather than politically, motivated,
it absolves the U.S. of any obligation to change its policies. Short
of converting the country to a theocracy under sharia law, nothing
is going to placate them. Well, there is the thorny issue of Israel.
A substantial shift in U.S. policy there might go a little way towards
mollifying some factions. But it wouldn't affect the core infidels-must-die
Yet the
idea that policy changes are pointless against jihad is a bit of
a cop-out. When you look at the historical circumstances which lead
to fanaticism in religion, you come full circle back to economics.
The poorer and more repressed people are,
the larger role religion tends to play in their lives. (Marx
and his opiate of the masses, anyone?) A big deal is made about
the fact that the suicide pilots were not themselves poverty-striken
illiterates but this is a red herring. Socio-economic opportunities
are constrained in their countries and their repressive regimes
have equipped them with the financial means but not the social tools
to function in the outside world. Monotheistic religions, Christianity
prime amongst them, see the world as a place of trial, the spirit
warring with the flesh. What these religions ask of their followers
is fundamentally unnatural. "Turn the other cheek" when
every instinct in your body is primed to hit back. For believers,
life is a brief dress rehearsal for the hereafter. Staying on the
correct path to salvation is easiest when other roads are constrained.
Tocqueville noted that the theological component of human nature
contains a desire to know whereas the political component maintains
a desire for freedom. Believing that you know, as radical monotheists
of all stripes do, leads to dogmatism and repression. As Americans,
we are familiar with this view from our Puritan heritage; moreover,
we can see this attitude manifest today in radical right-wing Christians,
as those who want to bring the Christian God into the public schools.
After all, if there is only one way to live, why have separation
of church and state? Dissenters are to be brought into the fold
or eliminated, not tolerated. It is not a coincidence that there
is no tradition of a separation of church and state in Islamic culture
and this is the first step for them to modernize.
But I
digress. The objective here is to contemplate what this anniversary
means on both individual and collective levels. I suspect a lot
of Americans in general, and New Yorkers in particular, are struggling
with this issue. We are accosted with media hype about its significance
to such a numbing degree that it is difficult to step back and consider
what, if anything, it means on a personal level. Economists have
given up trying to parse out its effects on the economy. I find
that refreshing, somehow. Human motivation is too complex to be
completely quantifiable. The federal government is using the occasion
to whip the country into jingoistic frenzy, with its rainbow of
alert colours. Businesses are milking it to sell the accoutrements
of the American dream (TM), playing on a supposed national need
for reassurance and comfort. But do you need comfort? Are you still
grieving? I think for a lot of us, this anniversary observance -
and perhaps I am contributing to that with this pieceis awkward
because we have succeeded in doing what we were urged to do since
9/12: get on with our lives. I need reassurance that the government
isn't going to use this tragedy as an excuse to trample on my civil
liberties. But that doesn't come from holding a candle in the park
or buying an NYPD hat.
Thoughts? Send us e-mail at
September 11, 2002 2:53 AM